
Rostislav Egorov

Digital Craftsman ( Photographer / Developer / Camper )

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A backend developer with a passion for creating digital products and services, solving complex problems, and finding innovative solutions. I have experience in all aspects of product development, from planning and design to implementation and troubleshooting. I am skilled at working with code to solve real-world problems and ensure the success of our products.

My portfolio


1991Born in Kamianske, USSR.
2015I graduated from Saint Petersburg State Forestry University (Russian: Санкт-Петербургский государственный лесотехнический университет им. С. М. Кирова (СПбГЛТУ) engineer by profession.
2015I opened a property valuation firm, worked as a judicial expert, and provided expert assessment services in courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts. I established his own judicial practice and began providing case support services in both general jurisdiction and arbitration cases.
2018 Completed Java developer courses.
2020I graduated from the Moscow Financial and Industrial University university and received a master's degree in law.

I ♥

Art, Music, Photography, Machine Learning, Camping Vlog

On the web

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